Some may not have noticed the significance of the reference to finding natural Amber in the movie Jurassic Park, but when you connect the dots, Amber has been around for a very long time…millions of years in fact. Many believe the theory that every Gemstone has a unique energy for something. In some instances, people believe gems can do everything from changing your future to curing your ills or warding them off at least.
So what makes this topic interesting is that the theory is more than theory with natural Baltic Amber. It’s scientific fact. Unlike other gemstones, Amber warms to the human touch because it is fossilized resin and its unique properties are in complete alignment with the composition of the human body. It is also a fact that natural Amber works with the body’s own immune system to distribute its power where the body needs it; you might even say in this case “whatever ails you.”
According to the history we have of natural Baltic Amber, the sun is believed to be a contributing factor to the “power behind the stone”. When the ancient forest was kissed by the energy of the sun and then shed its life force – resin – to the earth, it is believed that the resin – now what we know as Baltic Amber – was protected and enhanced. Those followers of Amber who recognized its “unearthly powers” held all sorts of beliefs. Amber was associated with protecting, healing, defending, and purifying and it became a sacred stone or “amulet” for those who traveled the seas. In fact, many believed that because Amber’s power comes from the sun, it has natural protective qualities; they also believe that because it was further “purified” in its river and sea travels, that it keeps us safe from floods and other harmful water events. Most of all, everyone believed that Amber was a symbol of good fortune in general so it was a “must have item” in that day for any number of very good reasons including wellness during pregnancy and safe delivery of babies, relieving mental duress, stress, and depression, and soothing and removing physical pain of any kind.
So now let’s explore the power within the stone. As every Lithuanian knows, the name “Amber” is translated as “gintaras” the origin is verb "ginti"- protect, defend. Even more interesting, the natural magnetism of amber, which manifests itself if you hold a piece of Amber against fabric and then put it in proximity to other materials where it quickly attracts small pieces of them, correlates to natural electricity which comes from the Greeks and also, ironically, means “amber.” We also know that the key ingredient in natural Baltic Amber is Succinic Acid, one of the most powerful substances necessary to human health. While it is found very minimally in nature, Succinic Acid is the dominant factor in Baltic Amber. It is also one of the key substances found in the most expensive skin renewal and regeneration products. So all things considered, scientists are quite comfortable with the knowledge that natural Baltic Amber is very powerful and very special in its healing properties and are looking for more ways to utilize it to its full capacity.
Certainly, that’s a very big complement to Natural Baltic Amber but for those of us who have grown up with this amazing Fossilized Resin from an Ancient Forest, we are happy to have Amber in our ordinary everyday lives - for its power to heal, restore well being and relieve pain and stress. It is a friend that we just can do without.
When presented with all of this interesting and enchanting information, one can’t help but ask the question: “how can we utilize the “magic” of natural Baltic Amber in present time and in our own lives.” For those of us who have grown up with Amber, we already know some of the answers.
Read more about the many healing benefits of Baltic Amber.
Amber Artisans
Disclaimer: The material provided on is for information and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis. We assume no responsibility for treatment or cure of any illness or disease.